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  • Decorative Paint
  • Gimcyn
  • Home Decor
  • Interior Design
  • Interior styles
  • Interior Trends
  • Metallic Paint
  • Microcement
  • Textured Paint

What is the value of GREEN ?

Green signifies immortality, the rush of life via chlorophyll, optimum health and fertility.  Basically, it’s crucial to our well-being. Significant numbers are opting to leave semi-toxic urban environments in preference for what rural locations offer.   Our children are becoming ever more alert and articulate in discussing the future of our planet.  Green is an OASIS.

Many artists are creating works to focus our attention on the natural world, Richard Long and Andy Goldsworthy to name a couple. But landscape painting is a centuries-old tradition because it’s recognised that trees, mountains, and all manner of plants are a source of deep solace.

You might say our true medicine.

The internet is full of images of idealistic restful scenes, uncontaminated by the pressures of modern living. And there are those specialising in elaborate treehouse design.

At Impera Italia we are very conscious of the urgency of ecological issues and the need for sustainability of our décor products.  We offer a wide selection of materials, that also include our natural, lime-based Venetian plasters and paints. At the point of writing a rare green comet is passing close to Earth.

Many artists are creating works to focus our attention on the natural world, Richard Long and Andy Goldsworthy to name a couple. But landscape painting is a centuries-old tradition because it’s recognised that trees, mountains, and all manner of plants are a source of deep solace.

You might say our true medicine.

The internet is full of images of idealistic restful scenes, uncontaminated by the pressures of modern living. And there are those specialising in elaborate treehouse design.

At Impera Italia we are very conscious of the urgency of ecological issues and the need for sustainability of our décor products.  We offer a wide selection of materials, that also include our natural, lime-based Venetian plasters and paints. At the point of writing a rare green comet is passing close to Earth.


How to REWILD your home?

Avocado is returning as a trend – popular for bathroom suites in the last century.  Lime is currently receiving a lot of attention for walls.  Our Microcement is the perfect option, if you want a modern minimalist bathroom, without the tiles! It is also suitable for worktops and flooring! For green tones, look for the Kensington and Fulham colours, to introduce nature’s primary tones in your home.

The wide range of brown and beige shades, incorporated next to the green ones, allow plenty of options for those wishing to create an earthy, harmonious interior. In combination with painted woodwork in deeper shades, this can look stunning.  Outhouses, extensions, and utility rooms ask for a green wardrobe.  Lounges using strong greens from the palette are simply magnificent.

If you’d like to go further in introducing a unique but natural-looking decor in your home, our Tintoretto paint – inspired by the Venetian plaster look – can prove to be a great asset in decorating. For those preferring light hues, Tanaro and Ticino are the ideal options. Secchia and Bormida are the ideal choices to add some deeper shades to your home.

Combining natural colours with a glamorous finish is also an option! The colours Green Hematite and Jade of our popular textured metallic paintGimcyn, are a great solution for bringing a luxurious touch without taking away from the serene feel of your interiors.

At Impera Italia we’re not botanists or horticulturalists, but entrepreneurs with a significant degree of experience to bring to the table.  We extend a warm invitation to all those homeowners who are interested in transforming their inner territory.   Do come to our headquarters in  Hampstead Gardens, close to the famous Heath, and take time to discuss your dreams of a nature-inspired home with our staff directly!

GREEN is associated with envy only for those who know they need more vitality … 😊